Episode #53: Michael Shah – Every Obstacle is an Opportunit‪y

  • 4 years ago
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Today we sit down –again— with Michael Shah, founder and managing partner of Delshah Capital, a PE and asset management firm with close to $1 billion of assets under management.  (In case you haven’t heard it, we recorded a previous episode with Michael where we really dived into other aspects of his business that I highly recommend you listen to).

Today, we discuss how Michael overcame the challenges of last year: depressed rent rolls, high vacancy, and the current lending environment. Interestingly, Michael shares how in many ways 2020 bred innovation. Innovations that he will make use of for years to come.

We talk about how opportunities are showing up in NYC today.  For now, it’s on the debt and preferred equity side of the capital stack and getting creative when structuring deals.

New York still has many question marks surrounding the pandemic, politics, and the multifamily market and Michael does a good job addressing some of these big questions…

Lets go Behind the bricks…with Michael Shah…

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